SALMON numbers discussion, SALMON management meetings coming up you can participate in
1) California Dept. of Fish & Wildlife (CDFW)
CDFW invites the public to attend its annual Salmon Information Meeting (SIM) via webinar on Wednesday, February 26, 2025, at 10 a.m.
• Facebook Event Page Reminder
Meeting details, informational materials, and instructions for attendance will be published in advance of the event on CDFW’s Ocean Salmon webpage.
The 2025 SIM will provide informational presentations on topics including last year’s spawning escapement, estimates of forecasted ocean abundance, and management objectives for 2025 ocean salmon seasons.
2) Fish and Game Commission (FGC)
The range of inland salmon fishing regulation options will be discussed at the Fish and Game Commission (FGC) meetings on Feb. 12-13, and April 16-17, in Sacramento, California with final inland season recommendations and adoption scheduled for the May 14, Teleconference meeting. CLICK HERE for the 2025 FGC meeting schedule.
Please see the Ocean Salmon webpage and the Fish and Game Commission meetings webpage for a complete calendar of events and contact information regarding the salmon preseason process, including opportunities for public input.
3) Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC)
California representatives will work together to develop a range of recommended ocean fishing season alternatives at the March 5-11, Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) meeting in Vancouver, Washington. CLICK HERE for the PFMC website.
Final season recommendations will be adopted at the Pacific Fishery Management Council’s April 9-15, meeting in San Jose, California.
Important Webpage Resources:
- Sign up for CDFW’s E-News at
News to receive updates on the meetings
- CDFW Press Releases can be found at:
News/Archive/cdfw-to-host- virtual-public-meeting-on- california-salmon-fisheries1
- NOAA fisheries ocean salmon: https://www.fisheries. sustainable-fisheries/ocean- salmon-fisheries-west-coast
Emma Keller, CDFW Marine Region, (707) 502-8418
Steve Gonzalez, CDFW Communications, (916) 804-1714