NorCal Guides lobby for a new fish hatchery for the Sacramento River’s Main Stem
NorCal Guides lobbyist Mark Smith of the Smith Policy Group is in Washington DC discussing the possibility of a new Sacramento main stem fish hatchery in between Corning and Redding. Our nonprofit group has been working consistently since 2019 with our federal legislators. We will be visiting DC multiple times this year on behalf of our membership to advocate for CA salmon. We are leading the discussions with other groups about the support that will be needed to streamline this urgent need of a new hatchery. A main stem hatchery will allow a diversification of release strategies, including trucking fish that will actually imprint on the Sacramento river’s main stem water. These fish will return at much higher rates with lower stray rates into other systems.
Support this effort by joining us
• Stay up to date with our SALMON efforts by becoming a member, purchase a hat, or sign up to participate in one of our upcoming fundraising events: Striped Bass Derby in Colusa, April 12-13
• Sign up to be a NCGASA member:
• Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more background information.
Current NORCAL hatchery locations