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PFMC Meetings Update for March 8-10 | SALMON numbers low

We need your help to save our salmon inland fishery. Get online during the PFMC to sign up to make an ORAL comment at the March 5-11 PFMC Meetings in Fresno regarding Salmon Management. 
E-PORTAL to sign up:
Scroll down the page to find the SALMON agenda items.

James Stone’s Presentation to the Council via video from YouTube, CLICK HERE or CLICK HERE to download a POWERPOINT FILE

How can you manage a fishery if you can’t accurately measure it?

CDFW’s Marci Yaremko Environmental Program Manager Marine Region (Region 7) attempted to flip the long term historical river allocations to ocean allocations during agenda item C.6 on Friday, March 8.

Yaremko made a motion to allocate the long term historical RIVER SALMON 14% of the river run size to OCEAN ALLOCATIONS.
ALT 1- 91% of the fish to ocean and 9% to river (3,033)
ALT 2- 50/50% split 16,850 each ocean and inland

In case you missed it — watch this Pacific Fishery Council YouTube video of what Yaremko proposed for the ocean harvest — taking fish away from the Sacramento River? Click here

If you would like to email CDFW your opinion about this initial proposal, email

Watch Video UPDATES from Fresno at the PFMC Meetings from NCGASA president James Stone on our YouTube channel, please SUBSCRIBE so we can keep bringing you the latest news: CLICK HERE

Written comments are closed, but you can still sign up to make an ORAL comment during the meetings



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