CDFW To Host Virtual Public Meeting On Ocean Salmon Fisheries
We need ALL anadromous salmon anglers on March 1 call!
Most of the public comment will transpire at the end of the meeting from 2 to 4 pm (full meeting starts at 10am), so if you’re concerned about inland fisheries on the Klamath or on the Sacramento Delta system or in the ocean whether your commercial or recreational make sure you show up and voice your opinion of what you would like to see for the upcoming salmon season.
You can email your comments in and advance to:
Click Here for link to the CDFW page with Zoom info.
Background Info and other articles related to salmon:
- Article in the Stockton Record that discusses SALMON numbers, click here.
As salmon fisheries collapse, CDFW will hold salmon information webinar | By Dan Bacher | Special to The Stockton Record
- Article from UC Santa Cruz: Click Here
Shrinking age distribution of spawning salmon raises climate resilience concerns. Study suggests changes in hatchery practices could help increase population stability for Sacramento River fall-run Chinook salmon, the backbone of California’s salmon fishery | February 27, 2023 | By Tim Stephens
- Golden State Salmon Association Newsletter, click here. Fishery managers, in a presentation given to the salmon industry in Oregon on February 27, reported they estimate there are only 169,800 fall run salmon in the ocean now. This extremely low number is likely to lead to little or no fishing season in 2023. For context, fishery managers wanted to see more than 180,000 fall run salmon return to the Sacramento Basin last year. Less than 62,000 returned to spawn.

CDFW Public Meeting
CDFW PRESS RELEASE: The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) invites the public to attend its annual Salmon Information Meeting via webinar on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The meeting will feature the outlook for this year’s sport and commercial ocean salmon fisheries, in addition to a review of last year’s salmon fisheries and spawning escapement.
Following the informational presentations, stakeholders are encouraged to offer testimony and recommendations for the 2023 fishing season regulations in advance of the upcoming Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) meetings in March and April.
The 2023 Salmon Information Meeting marks the beginning of a two-month long public process used to develop annual sport and commercial ocean salmon fishing regulations. The process involves collaborative negotiations between West Coast states, federal agencies, tribal co-managers, and stakeholders interested in salmon fishery management and conservation.
Public input will help California representatives develop a range of recommended season alternatives at the March 5-10 PFMC meeting in Seattle. Final season recommendations will be adopted at the PFMC’s April 1-7 meeting in Foster City, Calif.
Salmon Information Meeting details, informational materials and instructions for attendance will be published in advance of the event on CDFW’s Ocean Salmon webpage. Please see the Ocean Salmon webpage for a complete Calendar of Events and contact information regarding the Salmon Preseason Process, including other opportunities for public engagement in the season-setting process.
Media contacts:
Ian Pritchard, CDFW Marine Region, (707) 373-1039
Jordan Traverso, CDFW Communications, (916) 212-7352